Our Story
Stemming from our own personal walks of faith and some of our biggest challenges of eating disorders, mental health, rebellious adolescence, self-doubt, grief, and auto-immune issues,
Healing Grounds Center was born.
A friendship that has spanned 30 years, we are truly the sisters we never had. In 2006, at the age of 19, we both felt an impression from God to create a holistic wellness center in order to give back to the community that raised us.
As dreams so commonly go, the idea felt far-fetched and beyond our wildest imaginations.
However, in 2012, Phase 1 of Healing Grounds Center began when we opened up
WildRoots Salon & Studio and Turning Leaf Acupuncture in our shared space.
Our motto is helping “one soul at a time” and our mission is to listen, reach, and help whoever comes through our doors. Out of this came our ministry, Roots to Leaves Wellness Program, to further reach out to the community. This program is focused on renewing minds, strengthening bodies and living a transformed life of hope through a body-sense curriculum, Pilates and Yoga practice,
as well as, acupuncture and prayer.
We organize our businesses in a way that allows independent contractors and employees the support, environment and culture they need to thrive and be successful. As the number of independent contractors and employees increases each year, our vision for our grander healing space becomes more possible and more confirmed by God.
Enter 2019: Phase 2 of Healing Grounds Center, a 20-year-dream of expansion was accelerated after we were faced with a life alerting situation and heard God once again call us to grow. We have been working diligently over the last two years to embrace the change, sit in the discomfort of growth, and expand into more treatment rooms, a second studio/event space, and a café & juicery… all coming in Fall 2021!
We continue to pray and seek the wisdom of what our community needs and what our purpose is in it. We don’t think that yearning will ever turn off and instead of fighting it, we hope it continues to propel us into more far-fetched dreamlands.
Each of us is treasured, loved and worthy. God is with you and God is good.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, ‘says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Welcome to your Healing Journey
- Carli & Sam